Spruse - Stevenage Reuse Scheme
Spruse - Stevenage Reuse Scheme, founded by the late Sherma Batson OBE (known as Stevenage Furniture Recycling Scheme for 25 years until 2020), was established to enable all Stevenage residents to put a decent home together. The scheme collects good quality furniture and electricals for free from donors in the local community and for a small handling charge passes them on to those with low income.
Registered with the Chariteis Commission (Registered Charity No.1058584) Spruce is able to claim gift aid on financial donations made to us through our sites.

Positions vacant
We are forever grateful to the great team at from Atlanta, Georgia and all their volunteers who worked on bringing our website to life at their first London charity web-building marathon.
The original text presented here from our web-build supported event was: "Ex consectetuer ligula sem auctor lobortis. Morbi nisi conubia sociis ullamcorper nibh. Voluptate eros excepteur quam posuere elit. Ridiculus sollicitudin orci irure porttitor. Turpis convallis tellusexcepteur scelerisque nullam dolore eu vulputate dui." It is fairly meaningless.
Now, we don't have anything against Latin per se, but we would like to have corporate institutions to get in touch to help us replace the faux Latin, by becoming sponsors of our project., or patrons to our charity.
Contact us to find our more about our project on SpaceHive!
Positions vacant
"Netus ullamco dolor lacus rutrum. Aliquet duis tincidunt dictum sociis cupidatat. Imperdiet habitant nam cillum eros mollit. Turpis ipsum nisl rhoncus non ridiculus. Pulvinar parturient irure fugiat tristique rutrum cras natoque vulputate nec sem."
If you are an entrepreneur or individual inspired to help achieve our vision, we would be very happy to hear from you.