The historic site of Fairlands Farm is a Grade II listed building for its architectural and historic interest. The building dates back to the 16th century, and is featured in the Historic Environment record for Stevenage.
When Stevenage was designated a 'New Town', eforts were generally made to retain historic buildings within historic setlements and to develop around these older buildings. Unfortunately many historic buildings were lost during the development of the New Town which makes the retenton of those that remain of partcular importance. As well as its architectural propertes, Fairlands Farm is unique in that it is part of the central farmland of Stevenage and also centrally located is the only remaining site situated within the areas of the New Town development that has a designaton as a farm.
Fairlands Farm is located at the North end of Fairlands Valley Park and set back from Fairlands Way (the main road). It has sat quietly in this locaton for many years and had become concealed from the main road by trees (thereby also concealing its architectural interest). The old orchard to the south has not been managed or maintained by the authority and is signifcantly overgrown. An outbuilding which looks to have been erected around the same period as the C19th development of the main house is situated a litle apart to the west side of this. Stevenage Museum holds a drawing of the property from 1804, which adds evidence that the original property was built around. There are also photographic records pertaining to the demoliton of the farm barns in early 1970s around the tme when the valley lakes were constructed.