Fairlands Farm
The present façade is to the north and comprises two gables with an off-centre part-glazed porch. On the ground and first floors of each range is one 6-over-6 light sash window with segmental brick head and a smaller window opening at attic height, blocked in the east range. The east elevation has a projecting wing to the south with a bay window at ground floor and 6-over-6 light sash windows. The south elevation has a central projecting gable which incorporates the C17 interior build. On the ground floor there is an off centre C19 door and door case and a canted bay to the left with 6-over-6 light sash window. Above are two pairs of 4-over-4 light sash windows at first floor and a smaller 6-over6 light sash at attic height. To the west are single storey additions. To the right is the projecting wing with large external stack laid in English bond. To the left of the stack at first floor height are timber studs which may be the remaining elements of the earlier projecting wing associated with the C17 house with later infill panels of brick laid in stretcher bond. The west elevation has projecting single storey additions to the south and an outshot with pent roof to the north.
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